Cancer, Heart Attack or Stroke
Insurance with benefits paid directly to you.



Cancer, Heart Attack or Stroke plans by Standard Life provide an important safety net.

The sudden and unexpected financial demands can be devastating. Over and above the expenses covered by major medical insurance, these costs come in the form of lost wages, insurance deductibles, non-covered services, special treatment diets and travel lodging and child care arrangements during stays at treatment centers. A financial strain can make this health battle even harder.




More than 15.5 million Americans with a history of cancer were alive January 1, 2016. Most were diagnosed many years ago and have no current evidence of cancer.4


More than 1.7 million new cancer cases were expected to be diagnosed in 2019.4


Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the U.S. and is responsible for approximately 1,660 deaths each day. Almost 607,000 Americans were expected to die of cancer in 2019.5




Every year, more than 800,000 Americans suffer a heart attack. Today, more than 90% survive.1, 2


The median hospitalization cost for a heart attack in the U.S. is $53,384, and the median hospitalization cost for a stroke is $31,218.3


Heart failure accounts for more than one million hospitalizations a year in the U.S., and costs nearly $40 billion annually.2



Lump sum first diagnosis benefit from $5,000 to $75,000
Optional Recurrence Rider for Cancer plan
Optional chemotherapy, radiation, and medicines benefit for Cancer plan
Optional Restoration of Benefits Rider for Heart Attack or Stroke plan




Issue ages 20 to 84
Cash benefits paid directly to you
Guaranteed renewable for life
Benefits paid regardless of other insurance
Easy enrollment
No medical exams
Premiums do not increase with age



Benefit exclusions and limitations may apply to the policy. For additional information about cancer insurance or any of our other quality products, please contact us or your Standard Life Agent or Broker.

Sources for statistics: 1National Health Expenditure Data; 22017 Health Care Cost and Utilization Report – Health Care Cost Institute; 3Kaiser Family Foundation: Employee Health Benefits Survey; *National Center Biotechnology information1American Cancer Society - Cancer Facts and Figures 2019; 4American Cancer Society, - Cancer Facts and Figures 2013; 5National Cancer Institute/; 6Duke University School of Medicine The cited facts represent the U. S. population, are for information only, and do not imply coverage under the policy or endorsement of the company.